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Steve Bobbitt as Rod Stewart

Steve Bobbitt as Rod Stewart @ the 2019 Legends Event @ Weston LanesThe character of Rod Stewart in modern rock and roll, as well as pop music, is nearly universal. There are, indeed, few people – young or old – who do not recognize his persona.

The REAL Rod Stewart met Steve Bobbitt at a concert and said, "It's like looking in a mirror!" It's amazing – Steve has the look, the moves, and the sound of Rod Stewart. Steve is an engaging performer who involves the audience in his show.

His idiosyncronistic attire, mixing bright yellow satin sports coats, with leopard skin tights and red, high-top tennis shoes, along with is spiked, blonde gravity defying hair . . are well-recognized trademarks. Steve's hair, face, and voice are as close to the original as it gets. He has performed as Rod all over the country for crowds in every walk of life. He has also worked on Carnival and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and has been in many commercials.

Steve's repertoire of Rod Stewart's hits span the original entertainer's nearly 50 years of classics such as Maggie Mae, Tonite's the Night, Forever Young, and Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?. His wardrobe is constantly changing, being updated with some of the newer styles in keeping with the impersonation of his chosen character. Steve has been performing this persona for over 23 years!

Video from 2019 Legends event:

Check out another of Steve's YouTube videos here!